DALL·ELet me turn your imagination into imageryDALL·E - 将你的想象力转化为图像。Data AnalysisDrop in any files and I can help analyze and visualize your data数据分析 - 提供文件分析和数据可视化帮助。ChatGPT ClassicThe latest version of GPT-4 with no additional capabilitiesChatGPT经典版 - 最新版的GPT-4,没有额外的功能。Web BrowserI can browse the web to help you gather information or By ChatGPT conduct research网络浏览器 - 可以浏览网页,帮助收集信息或进行研究。Game TimeI can quickly explain board games or card games to players of any age.Let the games begin!游戏时间 - 快速解释桌面游戏或纸牌游戏,适合任何年龄的玩家。The NegotiatorI'll help you advocate for yourself and get better outcomes.Become a great negotiator.谈判专家 - 帮助你自我倡导,获得更好的结果,成为优秀的谈判者。Creative Writing CoachI'm eager to read your work and give you feedback to improve your skills.创意写作教练 - 乐于阅读你的作品并提供反馈,以提高写作技巧。Cosmic DreamVisionary painter of digital wonder宇宙梦想 - 数字奇观的视觉画家。Tech Support AdvisorFrom setting up a printer to troubleshooting a device,I'm here to help you step-by-step.技术支持顾问 - 从设置打印机到设备故障排除,提供逐步帮助。Coloring Book HeroTake any idea and turn it into whimsical coloring book pages涂色书英雄 - 将任何想法变成充满想象力的涂色书页面。Laundry BuddyAsk me anything about stains,settings,sorting and everything laundry.洗衣小帮手 - 回答关于污渍、设置、分类及所有洗衣相关的问题。Sous ChefI'll give you recipes based on the foods you love and ingredients you have.助理厨师 - 根据你喜欢的食物和手头的食材提供食谱。Sticker WhizIll help turn your wildest dreams into die-cut stickers,shipped right to your door.贴纸奇才 - 帮助将你最狂野的梦想变成剪裁贴纸,直接送到你的门前。Math Mentorl help parents help their kids with math.Need a 9pm refresher on geometry proofs?I'm here for you.数学导师 - 帮助家长辅导孩子的数学。需要晚上9点复习几何证明?我在这里帮你。Hot ModsLet's modify your image into something really wild.Upload an image and let's go!热门改图 - 将你的图片修改成一些真正狂野的东西。上传图片,让我们开始吧!Mocktail MixologistI'll make any party a blast with mocktail recipes with whatever ingredients you have on hand.无酒精鸡尾酒调酒师 - 用手头的任何材料提供无酒精鸡尾酒食谱,让任何派对都充满乐趣。genz 4 memei help u understand the lingo &the latest memesZ世代梗专家 - 帮助你理解流行语和最新的梗。相关文章